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Landonline is a database system provided by the New Zealand Government to manage the Land Title system. This system is accessed by Land Surveyors and Conveyancers to manage land title transactions.
Previously, these transactions were undertaken using paper records. This system generated huge volumes of paper, which required considerable resources to store and access when required.
It is now compulsory to undertake transactions with Land Information New Zealand using the Landonline interface.
This process started many years ago when the Land Titles Office was merged with the Department of Survey and Land Information. This was called Process Integration.
Key paper records were scanned into appropriate electronic image forms. The survey plans in each Land District were some of the first records treated in this way. The record sheets showing the land parcel boundaries were digitized and incorporated into the beginnings of the Landonline database. This provided a spatial index for the plans. Live titles were converted to a digital record, which reflected the interests in each property as they existed at the time of conversion.
Surveyors once had to visit their local DOSLI office to obtain copies of the plans, titles and other documents they required. Once the Landonline searching systems were made available to surveyors and conveyancers, the documents required for our work were mostly available on our desktops. This was most beneficial to those of us who had access to broadband internet connections.
LINZ next undertook the construction of the database we now use as surveyors. This includes areas where boundaries, survey marks and lines and their associated topology can be introduced and managed within the database. The areas which were most likely to see development were converted from the inaccurate scanned boundary information initially established into survey accurate information with sufficient survey connections to provide judgment as to the spatial integrity of the data to the levels stipulated by the Survey Regulations.
Systems and processes were designed for surveyors to interact with this database to incorporate new surveys into the database. Initial pilots were run to determine what improvements were required before the system was rolled out across the Country. The various Land Districts throughout the Country were then allowed access to the database to the new level of interaction, starting in the south, and then moving northwards over a period of a couple of years.
During the computerization process the number of branches of DOSLI, and then LINZ, were reduced. These are continuing to close.
Before this process of computerization began, DOSLI undertook rigorous checking of each and every survey, with few exceptions. Formats and survey information were heavily prescribed by the government.
Since the computerization process has been undertaken, there have been successive reviews of government regulations, and how LINZ deals with the surveys presented for approval. There is currently a review being undertaken which will be the least prescriptive in the history of the New Zealand context. These regulations will be outcome focused. It will be up to the individual Licensed Cadastral Surveyors concerned to design their surveys and presentation of data to meet the desired outcomes.
Birt & Currie Surveyors Ltd pride themselves on providing a good quality and reliable product into Landonline. It is expected that these latest changes will not alter our outlook on how we achieve our results. We will continue to review our processes and apply the best technology available to provide the best possible value for money to our clients, and the future owners of the properties we help to create.
There is more information about Landonline on www.landonline.govt.nz