There are a number of options depending on what capacity the surveyor fulfils. Some people begin by working for a survey firm for a period of time learning certain generic tasks and becoming very proficient in these. Such a person might be called an unqualified technician. Unitec, in Auckland, provides formal survey technician training. People so qualified are able to undertake many of the tasks undertaken within a survey firm, particularly after accumulating a reasonable period of practical experience. However, they are unable to certify their work and are reliant upon a Registered Surveyor (an older term), or a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor to do this for them. This person is required to have completed the Bachelor of Surveying Degree, which is obtained after four successful years of study at the University of Otago. This is then followed by at least two years of practical experience under a Registered or Licensed Cadastral Surveyor. There is a requirement to demonstrate competence to the Survey Board with the presentation of suitable projects, and passing the obligatory Law Exam. Links to Unitec and The Surveying Department of the University of Otago can be found in this website.